Thank you for visiting the website and thank you to my fantastic students. Without my regular students, I would not have been able to start this project so this is all thanks to you guys - I hope you’re reading this.
This site is still under construction so you can expect some things to change over the coming weeks and months. That also means that there will be new classes made available, and eventually the “TV Club”. More information about the development of the site, availability of classes, and any other changes, will be turned into a blog post here. So, keep your eyes peeled!
Because most of you will have come to this website from my other teaching activities, you will know that I am still working across many platforms. This means that there will be an adjustment period where I there is not full and regular availability. However, I am still available for some classes in this time, so take a look at booking a class if you are interested. Regular hours and availability will become available on 7th November 2022.
Finally, I have given you some English practice by including some interesting phrases here that I have underlined. Can you guess what they mean? Have you heard any before?