KLS Tuition

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Hits in the headlines #61

The latest Apple product that seeks to change the way we use technology, is finding very different opinions from reviewers. Though AR/VR seems to be a rapidly growing market, it hasn’t quite made the jump outside of entertainment yet. However, some people feel that if any company will be able to make it work, it is Apple. So, is this the device that will revolutionise the office? Or is it just another flash in the pan?

The second article is a (very long) blog post from a travel blog. Not only does it teach you about the places along the journey, but it is an engaging long-read that will give you plenty of new phrases and vocabulary along the way. The story is a trip along the Adriatic coast, starting from Venice. This has been a tourist hotspot in recent years, but the future of places like Venice is in peril – Will Venice still be around in the decades to come?

This week’s video is about how AI is already in many services we use, without many people realising. The video serves as an education point about AI and just how relevant it is right now. As one of the biggest topics of the current day, many people are left thinking: Why should I care about it?

Here are some interesting stories that I have found this week. With different topics, I am sure you will find something that is new and challenging for you. Why not use this as a chance to learn some new language?

Try to note some new language that you see or hear in the articles or video and bring it to the class.

  1. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/03/i-worked-exclusively-in-vision-pro-for-a-week-heres-how-it-went/

  2. https://www.notesfromtheroad.com/europa/venetian-adriatic.html

  3. https://youtu.be/YsZ-lx_3eoM?si=q9rwtY4UvL509qEN

Have a great week.

See you in class!